Destiny Point is founded is a Christian-Based nonprofit ministry founded upon the principles of the Holy Bible, God's Holy Word.
We wholeheartedly believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the One and Only True Living God. We believe that Jesus Christ came to earth in human form through 42 generations for the express purposes of dying on the cross for all the world's sins. We further believe that the shedding of His blood on Calvary's cross accomplished the following:
1. Forgiveness of our sins to include all humanity. For without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.
2. Reconciled all humanity back to God.
3. Provides Salvation: We believe that although Jesus died for all of humanity's sins, each individual is responsible for establishing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe that we are saved by grace through faith and the process of salvation which includes the following (Romans 10:9) as stated in the Holy Bible:

a. Confession

b. Repentance

c. Salvation

d. Justification

e. Filling of the Holy Spirit in the believer

f. No Condemnation
4. Eternal Life for all who believe in Jesus Christ: John 3:16
5. We believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ's
6. We believe in the doctrine of Jesus Christ
7. We believe that only God can and still work miracles today; He works it through the Holy Spirit's Anointing (power) as He (the Holy Spirit) indwells the believer
8. We believe in Eternal God-head: The Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
9. We believe in the Rapture
10. We believe in the Holy Bible and its entirety. We believe that it is the unadulterated and infallible Word of God! It is the roadmap for our lives!
11. We believe in both heaven and hell! We believe that they are real
12. We believe that God created each individual with a God-given purpose! We believe that we are just one of the avenues in season, to be used by God to help those pursue their God-given destiny, purpose for which they were created!
We believe that all women are fearfully and wonderfully made and are uniquely designed to reach their full Destiny in Christ. From birth to death it is believed that all women have a purpose that must be met leaving a legacy for the next generation to continue.